Hey everyone, here’s a little about me. 

 While I was studying at Moscow State University, I was heavily involved in art, exhibiting my paintings and drawings — I had a background in art, after all. 

But the 90s hampered my progress in that field, so I put down my brush and picked up a camera. After that, I spent many years working in film and television, making movies and international projects in Russia and France. It was all good, but one day I realized I wanted to focus on a kind of creativity that didn’t rely on TV executives or government ministries. 

 That’s how I became a studio photographer. I dove deep into this profession and, in parallel, started creating various art projects. So now I have an artist  and a producer living inside of me. We get along. 

 I’m a member of the Union of Artists of Russia (TSCR), a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, a photographer, a project producer and curator, co-founder of the agencies Art4Brand and FotoTop, and a participant in many Russian and international exhibitions. I have publications in well-known magazines.

 I graduated from the History Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Academy of Classical Photography, and have an art background.  

 Mikhail Stenin, Photographer


The Beauty of the Moment:

An Exhibition at the State Russian Museum of Photography in Nizhny Novgorod,

 April 2024

Color Games. 

All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts 

 May 2024. 

Love Has Four Paws

Solo Exhibition 

Murom Historical and Art Museum, Murom

 October — November 2023

Arts Games.The Fabric of Being. 

The Classical Photography Gallery.  

May–July 2023


VIII International Photo Festival in Vitebsk (Belarus) 

Exhibition Hall, Center of Contemporary Art  

June–September 2023


 Solo Exhibition 

 Rolf Premium Salon.

August — September 2023

Love Has Four Paws

Solo Exhibition 

The Classical Photography Gallery.  

February -March 2023


август 2021

Государственный Дарвиновский Mузей


Инструкция по применению  

ноябрь 2023

Галерея ARTMaison

Монументаль ное  

декабрь 2019

Выставочный зал Союза Художников РФ Старосадский пер, д. 5

 “ФотоТОП портрет 2023”.  

ноябрь —декабрь 2023

Галерея Классической Фотографии, г. Москва

 Черное Белое 

декабрь. 2019   

 Выставочный зал Союза Художников РФ  
Старосадский пер, д. 5